



  1. What animals have you got on your homestead? Would love to see the pics :-)

  2. I decided to have backyard chickens this year but since I'm new at this have been a little apprehensive. I do love the idea of fresh eggs but worry what to do if a chicken gets sick.

    1. If you have a good internet connection, check out Patara's YouTube channel. Lots of great advice on how to prevent sickness, namely by great supplementation.

  3. I decided to have backyard chickens this year but since I'm new at this have been a little apprehensive. I do love the idea of fresh eggs but worry what to do if a chicken gets sick.

  4. Hi,I am getting my chicks next week and have two dogs dachshunds I was hoping you had some tips on how to teach them to leave them alone...

  5. I want about 4 or 5 chicks. I had neighbors that moved and left 4 behind and they were my babies until coyotes got them. I know absolutely nothing about raising them. I want to learn! It was so much fun mowing my grass with a line of chickens following me. Folks would stop and video us. They loved the bugs! Easy pickings. BUT, they would destroy my flower beds. All the ground cover would end up in my grass. So...
    This year I'm going to put tunnel cages in my garden so they can get their heads out and get bugs but not dig up my plants. What do you think of this idea? Any advice? Yea? Nay?

  6. I will be getting chickens, but not for about 6 months. I'm watching your videos on YouTube and can't thank you enough for the wealth of information. I recently joined a couple of fb groups about chickens and am finding out about diseases that chickens seem to get often. But.... I'm also seeing these people jump on the antibiotic and drug wagon. I'm guessing, because of they way you feed and care for your animals, you don't have to many health issues. Worm eye, wry neck, colds and respiratory issues. I have learned so much from you ( that doesn't make me an expert by any means ) but I read some of their comments and feel like I know more about keeping chickens than they do, and they have had chickens for a year or more. Others... ' I just got 6 hens, do I need a rooster to,get eggs?' Seriously!? I will eventually, leave the groups because Im getting so frustrated, but at the same time I'm learning about some health issues that may arise. Thank you.... thank you for being my first educator on chickens. Because had I not found you first, but had found these others, who really have no idea what they are doing, I'm not sure that I would continue Again, thank you Patara

  7. Hi Patara! I have a baby chick who seems to have a hurt leg, how can I help her. :'(

    Jessica Goff

  8. Hi Patara, I saw your video, you're great raiser, we sell premium dried mealworms on amz, brand called "Eggcellent", we may supply a giveaway if interested, that's wholesome and nutural treats, contact at cyndikrystalize(at)

  9. Why does my rooster sit in the hens nest boxes
    Rose keelan of SC

  10. Why does my rooster sit in the hens nest boxes

  11. /Users/jillguindon/Desktop/93423801_10222531923909119_3574661186941091840_n.jpg

    Thought this would give you a giggle! But, seriously ... a great idea!!! LOL
