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  1. I've enjoyed watching some of your videos on You Tube! On one of the videos, you mentioned a mixture that you use to prevent blight. Could you please share the recipe you use? Thank you!

  2. I was watching a blog and wanted to share the name of the rooster with you. This rooster has 5 toes and it keeps him from hurting the ladies because he is gentle and gets a better hold. He is called a Salmon Faberol. I have no idea if the spelling is correct but I think you will be able to tell what I mean. He is a French rooster. Hope this helps.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi, how are you? Let me introduce myself. I’m Tracy Robinson with the Essential Homestead blog. I’m a certified aromatherapist, homesteader, and homeschooling mama. I also have a homestead in the appalachian mountains. Your blog is amazing. I read a lot of your content. Would you be interested in connecting?
    I can offer one or more of the following:
    1) Every Tuesday I host a Homestead Blog Hop at:
    a. Would you be interested in linking up with us?
    b. Would you be interested in co hosting with me?
    2) I work as an advocate for Doterra International. Doterra offers certified pure essential oils from all over the world. They have a high standard of purity, potency and consistency. Would you be interested in joining my team of natural wellness advocates? Doterra offers a generous compensation plan. I offer online training and fb group support. You can read more about this amazing company at
    a. I’m currently offering samples when you attend one of my google hangouts.
    b. If you’d like to join my team, I’m offering a $50 gift card with any enrollment kit purchase this month. This is my holiday gift to you.
    3) I also accept guest posts for topics that line up with my brand.
    Let me know what you think 


  5. Love your program and just finished watching the one about your septic tank and it brought to mind something I've been doing for l5 years since I first bought my house and had the septic pumped...A good ole local guy who did the pumping told me that if I put a couple packages of fleischman's yeast down my toilet once a month that I would never have to pump again. l5 years pumping :) Just thought I would pass along the tip. God remind me of me 50 years ago :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Just a quick note. I have about 6 or 8 Buff Roosters hatched in early summer this year, want to give them away to someone who needs fresh blood in their flock. Free. they are destroying my hens and I don't have time to butcher. (

    thank you budsmi

  8. Patara,
    I wanted to say thank you for taking the time to share your journey on YouTube with others. We enjoy watching your channel daily! Last fall we decided to start a vlog on our journey to share with others. That inspiration to do that came from you and a few others like Justin Rhodes, Deep South Homestead, & Big Family Homestead. Your blog has been very helpful as well. Our YouTube channel is Natural Living Homestead. I wanted to take a moment and introduce my self & thank you for sharing your journey with others! Please feel free to contact me anytime at

  9. Hi Patara,
    I just watnted to say I love your youtube channel and everything you do. I am new to homesteading and have 4 hens I live in Idaho and this is the hens first winter and what a cold one. They are in a small coop with expansion pen and seem ok they are not laying much anymore.I did notice they have some frostebite on there combs some of them are white. What should I do?I have researched and hear so many different opinions.So I thought I'd ask you? Thanks do much and blessings to you and your family!

    Sincerley, Laura from The Humble Homemaker youtube channel.

  10. Hi! My name is Tabitha I am 22 years old and I've loved gardening and the old fashioned life since infancy. Being raised by my grandparents and great grandparents it's not hard to understand why. I have instilled in me the knowledge of so so many generations. Lessens I will not soon forget. But out of all of this knowledge I lack education in the "art" of homesteading. By watching yours and Stary's videos I've gained so much. My boyfriend and I have been talking for the last 2 years about starting our own homestead. I would love to chat with you about what to expect and run some ideas by you to see if they sound logical for our situation. Seeing as my grandparents have all passed on, I really have had no guidance since I've become an adult (18). You've got no idea how much it would mean to me.
    Sincerely, Tabitha-Sue
    The lonely beginner...

  11. Hey! How about an old guy's point of view? I watch your channel all the time. Some of the things you talk about bring back very fond memories of growing up in the woods and some of the things you talk about are brand new to me! In either case, I seem to leave your channel with a smile more often than not. Outstanding work and thank you for letting us peek into your life. That alone takes great courage.

  12. Hi Patara just wanted to let you know that I love your videos and the fact that you not only speak the truth but also the fact that there is no pretense about you at all and that you are not afraid to put your self out there for us all to not only learn, be inspired by you, but also respect in that you are living what you believe in. You also bring a blessed mixed sense of humbleness, sincerity, quirkiness, and most of all gratitude which is not often seen anymore and I come away feeling blessed after watching your videos. I also wanted to let you know that I am working toward that route as well although I live in an apartment and right I am re-learning how to can (haven't canned since I was like 8 or 9 yrs old) and since I am saving any extra money towards my goal of buying a small homestead I am pinching pennies but have been able to build my food storage for pretty much free. Your followers may be interested to know that at Dollar General each Wednesday you can print or get a coupon for $3 off $15 and on Saturday a coupon for $5 dollars off $25 (sometimes $30) and combine that with coupons and you can get your beans, rice, baking soda for free and during canning season use that to go towards buying jars for canning and you save a whole lot of money. Also if anyone if fortunate enough to either know some or kin to someone who works in a restaurant they can get free 4 or 5 gal buckets (granted they might have been filled with pickles but that is nothing that baking soda can't fix).

  13. Thank you, Thank you. I can't thank you enough for all the information on getting and having a cow. I knew some of it but had taken into consideration a lot of the other things you mentioned.
    I have asked 3 other people about a goat challenge I have. I am wondering if you would consider contacting me at to give me some much needed advice. To this date none of the people I have contacted have gotten back with me. Guess they are too busy or they don't choose to respond questions, but say they would love your questions. I understand that you are extremely busy and will understand if you don't have the time, please just let me know.
    Keep on keeping it real, there are so many of us out here that want to here the truth about 'real life' homesteading and not fluff.
    Again, thank you once again.

  14. Hello,

    My name is Aaron Citrowske and I am a Talent Agent at the Talentsy Plus Network, a premier Network & Creator Management Co. helping only established YouTube creators and entertainers earn more revenue from their content via our exclusive partnership program, creator tools, and premium services/ad sales, as well as top-notch Talent Management.

    For starters, if you join Talentsy Plus, you’ll be in a premier network of “fewer partners and better experiences”. This has enabled the organization to attract large exclusive advertisers. To name a few: Disney, Time Warner, Nike, MAC Beauty & Cosmetics, and many more.

    We can provide you with Content ID access and full-flexed digital rights management. We can monetize, block, or take down any stolen content on your behalf right away and pay you 100% of these revenues.

    We’re confident we could help you earn more revenue from your videos on YouTube. Talentsy is a network that focuses purely on its tight-knit pool of creators, and not masses of channels. This means our CPMs are also some of the best in the business.

    Would you like to see a list of our partnership program features? I think you’ll love what’s in store.

    If you are interested, please email me at


    Aaron Citrowske (Talent Agent, Talentsy Network)

  15. Dear Patara,
    I have followed your channel on YouTube for several years now and have always enjoyed your content. I would like to ask a small favor. I don't know if it has been affecting your channel but you may have at least heard of all the problems recently with YouTube monetization flagging and videos/channels being deleted. Mr Jorg Sprave has created the YouTube Union to address this and has recently had his first talks with representatives of YouTube. I ask that you take a minute to check out his Facebook page and prayerfully consider adding your voice to the cause.

  16. Dear Patara,

    I have been watching your channel on YouTube for a while and have a question for you about Bees. Is there a better way to email or message you?

  17. Dear Patara,

    I have been watching your channel on YouTube for a while and have a question for you about Bees. Is there a better way to email or message you?

  18. You have a beautiful voice! I would love to hear you sing the song "In my Tennessee Mountain Home" by Dolly Parton. It's an old one but it is so sweet to hear. Thanks for all you do.

  19. I've only bee watching you on YouTube for 4 or 5 months and I was sad when you wasn't on for the past 2 months! So I prayed for your family hoping you all was ok. So I'm truly sorry for your loss. And looking forward to the next chapter in your life. Sending much love to you and your husband and sons. Stay well.

  20. Hello. I have some questions for you ma'am. First let me start by saying that i am sorry for your loss as well. I pray things will get better. I am not sure if you are aware but maybe you are about what is going on in the world today but this has forced me to look into this lifestyle as I am tired of paying a mortgage with the doubling up on property taxes this government is doing. I am looking for like minded people to either be around or to join as a group for what is approaching upon us all. Lack of food and everything else. I have only been gardening for the last 3 years but would like to continue. I am a veteran of the military who is single and handy with most tools. I am a small woman about to turn 50 with no children and one dog. I was hoping that you could tell me about the area in ashe county for a african american woman and hopefully that does not matter much. I know i will still have to work and I am trying to finish my degree in accounting as well. I have learned from my experience and from watching and talking with bear independent and the revolting man that there is strength in numbers. I see a lot of videos out there from people homesteading and living off grid and I hope they have more people living and working with them than what we see.Please forgive me if i misspell a couple of words I am typing fast. If you could give me some direction it would help a lot. I have a some what large home and will be downsizing as it is just me. Thank you for spreading the knowledge that many of us need to hear.

  21. Hello, I really like your youtube channel. I have learned some good things from your videos and I look forward to when my husband and I will be able to homestead full time, when we move back to Tennessee. In the mean time I enjoy your channel on youtube and your blog as ways to have good information as we try to homestead in city dwelling for the time being.

  22. Hello, As a farm-raised woman, I truly enjoy your website. My mom used a wood stove for cooking for many years, and I learned to cook on it. I'm 80 now, so it has been awhile :-) Have searched everywhere on your website for the atual recipe for Snowflake Biscuits and can not find it. Did find many, many other great recipes. Loved your pieces on chickens! We raised chickens, cows, sheep and horses. What a wonderful life. Thank you again.

  23. I recently watched one of your videos where you mention being Cherokee. I've tried to find information on a 2x ggm that may have been. My husb & I even went to Tahlequah while in Oklahoma & visited the historical center. We didn't find anything helpful. A search online hasn't been any more help. Do you have any suggestions of where to find more info. Our daughter was questioned by her beautician as to whether she might be part Native American. Others have said we had "compatible features."


  24. Hi, I just watched your video "Our children are watching" and you gave some excellent advice. I wanted to share the following beneficial article with you that I hope you will take the time out to read and ponder over.

  25. My name is Aaron Laird. I have watched your channel for years. I know right now things are crazy in this country right now, and we currently have a fire less than 10 miles from our homestead, and air quality of hazardous conditions. I pray you and the family remain safe thru all of the turmoil going on these days. To the point of this email.

    Last year my wife and I started a small business (mostly online) called Clearwater Valley Farms - We started off with elderberry syrup kits, and have been doing fairly well with those. This year, with the riots, the Covid issue, and the many reports of expected food shortages, we felt, more than ever, a fall crop was something we have to do for our family. We know many other families that felt the same way, so we bought seeds...a lot of seeds. We are now packaging these seeds and selling them. Our goal is to put more seeds than the average seed company, and offer them at a great price. We also are bundling the seeds offering even more savings. Right now, we have 26 varieties of seeds we are offering, with spring and summer seeds for next year coming soon. We have two sized packs, the regular packs and what we call Urban packs for those with smaller gardens.

    We would like to offer a regular and Urban seed bundle of our Fall Garden seeds to your audience. If you are interested, we can work out the details, and we will send you the two packs so you can see for yourself what you are offering to your viewers. We ask that viewers who are interested go to our website and subscribe to our email (we will not spam or sell info), and after they subscribe, they can send a simple email like "Appalachia is where its at"---anything to let us know they are from your channel, and we will draw two names from those emails. We could do three and also offer an elderberry syrup kit if interested. We are also offering a 25% discount code for those that sign up right now for their first order.

    If this is something you would be interested in, please let me know.

    God Bless,
    Aaron Laird
    Clearwater Valley Farms

  26. I LOVE your YouTube content!! With all that bending and lifting what do you do with back pains?

  27. Hello
    Stumbled across a video.
    20 years in corporate computer management Retired almost deaf computer/finance teacher after 18 yrs. Looking to leave Nj for 6 acres in Northeast in order to grow food and be more remote. Would love to have hens for eggs. Torn between staying in a paid for home w fireplace and forrest behind. Only have bulk shopped pantry items.
    We have also looked at lakefront but that is more for less land.
    The single level home w fruit trees needs updating. How long do you you think we have to prepare?

    The bible says do not be afraid 365 times but i fear i understand more than the average person.

    Please advise.

    1. Think if you have the skills and energy to move and start somewhere new. Your home is paid for, you have a backyard. Start there. This is no time to get a mortgage if you don't have too. There are hydroponic systems, ezgrow all kinds of things. Look ezgrow up online and the hydro stuff. it's all on utube. Grow up, instead of out. Get a greenhouse. You have a forest behind you. Go watch and take all the lessons from Adam Haritan, of learn how to ID mushrooms and how to tincture them. What they're good for. Start learning what is IN the forest behind you that you can use.
      Update what you absolutely need too. Spend your money wisely. If you are going to get a wood/pellet stove for heating, get one with a cooktop on it.
      It doesn't matter how 'long' you have to prepare as long as you start now and keep your focus on Jesus. Trust in Him to lead you. Ask Him where He wants you to be and what He wants you to do.
      I get wanting to get out of NJ. Seriously. If that is what the Lord tells you to do, then think about Virginia. Look at taxes in whatever place you think of moving too.
      For a hard answer to your question, I would guess this winter is going to be the tell all. Plus, people are going to get fed up with the non-unloading and start unloading those containers themselves.

  28. Hi Patera, Saw your videos from the last couple of days. Join GAB social network. There are job boards setup by companies who will NOT comply with the latest government mandates. Maybe your family will find help there.
    Love you! Keep up the good work!

  29. INSIDE INFORMATION: The reason that Augason is doing this is because the US government has put in a HUGE, HUGE, HUGE! order for themselves. They see what is coming. The US government can legally step in ahead of all customers and order Augason Farms to supply them exclusively for the next 3 months (or however many months they want). That's just the way it is. Augason Farms will not be able to supply its regular customers until they have satisfied the order that the US government has put in for food.

  30. Hi Patera, thank you so much for making very heartwarming and inspirational videos on YouTube. Your Dollar Tree DOOMSDAY video made me think of the idea of 'wants' and 'needs' and an experiment which a vicar here in England made and was the subject of as a three-part TV series for the BBC. He decided to take a year living without money but on the kindness of others and doing small jobs for goods in return, to live the lesson of Francis of Assisi. The three part series is in YouTube under 'How To Live a Simple Life. His name is Peter Owen-Jones, if you can't find them.

    The way we have to get used to now is as though we are living in wartime and this will go on for quite a few years, trust me. It's now up to us to look after each other the best we can.

  31. hey, i live in sevierville and just wanted to say i saw you for the first time tonight talking about china. you are awesome. proud to be your neighbor. you need anything let me know. i'll do what i can. God bless

  32. Patara, I was just watching your video 11/15/2021 and tried to leave a comment and YT wouldn't allow me to. So I'm copy/pasting it here - I hope you see it as it has info you will want to know. Here it is...
    Patara, your body cannot make any vit Deee north of Atlanta, GA between the months of November thru March. You'll want to look at what Deee expert Dr. Holick says about it. Additionally, back in August 16, 2012 mushroom expert Paul Stamets wrote an article titled, "Place Mushrooms in Sunlight to Make Vit Deee" (spell it correctly when you do your search as YT will not allow me to post this if I spell correctly) at Fungi dot com.
    When you take edible wild, homegrown or store-bought put them out in the sunlight, gill-side up for a few days - the how-to instructions are in the article. Here's what I figured out that you'll want to know... and it's the ONLY reason WE are here today, seriously.
    While listening to some of Holick's old lectures (2016), and later newer ones too, he was talking about how Deee is the most valuable vit and how it's responsible for preventing almost every disease known to humanity, seriously. You need to watch some of his videos to fully learn what I'm saying (wink).
    While searching files in my computer, I came across and old article from 2012 that I had saved, the title is stated above, it caught my attention. I had forgotten all about it! I read it, went to see if it was still online, yes it is! The reason I was searching my saved files is because Holick was saying how the Deee was basically the only vit that prevented many things, and that it's NOT available during Nov-March above Atlanta, GA and that the human body cannot make any at all when exposed to sunlight (tho it is beneficial to get outdoors for other reasons)... I thought to myself...
    Wait a minute, if we make zero, and there are ONLY 3 sources (wild Salmon - farmed has zero, Mackeral, Sardines) that have any decent amount of the Deee then how is it that cavemen survived because not all of them had access to those fish and they certainly didn't have a shipping system set-up, and what about all of the generations that came AFTER the cavemen... how were they able to survive so the WE COULD BE HERE TODAY... since none of us would be here if it weren't for the smartest among them to survive.
    Mushrooms grow all around the world, in all climates, on all continents. The caves never had massive storage rooms where they put-up food for winter, there also aren't enough vessels found in these caves to contain the foods they saved to get them thru the non-vit Deee months. They would have been normally been gathering mushrooms and placing them in the sun to dry, once dry they could have been placed in a clay vessel, a leather bag, or even just rolled up in large leaves, or for that matter just piled up in a corner on the floor.
    There is NO PLANT they could have eaten to get enough Deee and the animals and fish they caught would not have contained any either, just trace amounts and that's not enough to even prevent Rickets. As Holick explains, that's why they began enhancing some grains and dairy, it was a means of getting enough of it into people to prevent Rickets. BTW, those foods USED TO HAVE a lot more Deee added to them back then than we have today, which is why we've seen such an increase in diseases like dia bee tees and can sir, to name only two.
    Y'all NEED to know this info and start sun-drying mushrooms asap... because you know the Deee supplement door is going to slam shut very soon too.
    Try not to fret too much about the trolls, they just workin' for the Bad Man... and we all know what the Bad Man is doing these days ;-)
    Stay well, healthy and blessed.

  33. Hi Patara, sorry to message you here and feel free to delete, but would you mind checking your state websites or ask around and see if there is a bill going through called the 'Tri-State compact bill'? It's apparently also going through Mississippi and Arkansas and would setup a 'region' where private companies like Black Rock would be able to do things such as implement taxes, eminent domain etc.. without government oversight. Thanks!

  34. We have recently discovered you on YouTube. We love your videos and believe that you are the most real person. We feel like you about everything. We have been preparing for more than 330 years. We bought our place 10 years ago and moved here 4 years ago. We have received lots of criticism from family and friends for preparing and living out in the woods. We wouldn't have it any other way. We're tucked away in SW PA. We haven't been able to go fully self sufficient.Thanks for doing what you do. You can reach me at


  35. Dear Patara,

    First off, let me just say that my family and I are grateful for the information you post daily on YouTube, canning tips—recipes, a heads up on rising food prices and the walkthroughs at your local grocery store, it’s much appreciated. Currently, I’m a full-time college student, so I try my best to listen to the material when I have some down time, and it also helps when you have parents to fill you in on what you’ve missed. I do have an inquiry for you, and my parents suggested I emailed you regarding this matter, would consider granting permission to download your, for example, “Canning, Recipes, Food Storage and Health Playlist” from YouTube? I’m seeking your permission to do so for three reasons: One Knowledge. Two, YouTube is removing videos from other content creators, like you, due to the “Algorithms”. Three to have a copy—a reference for personal use only, like library book, just in case of a CME, SHTF situation, or Cyber-attack. I have no intention of redistributing your content, your content is your content, and my family and I would also be willing to pay you for your videos as well. We would greatly appreciate it!
    Thank you, much love from Arizona.
    My email is:

  36. Hi Patara,

    I just wanted to send a quick email to tell you that if I lived in TN, or you lived in AZ - we would be great friends! Not because we have a lot in common (we don't, really), but because we think and see things the same way!

    I am older than you, and only have a young suburban backyard food forest.

    While you create incredibly informative and motivating homesteading/preparedness videos, I have a Twitter presence (DetourRight) to inform/motivate people to pay close attention to the current political scene, and vote for pro-American, pro-family, pro-God, "right" candidates.

    I feel like we are 2 sides of the same coin! I just wanted to "meet" you. 😊

    Keep up the good work, and take care!


    (jstop88able on YouTube)

    Get Outlook for Android

  37. I don't know how else to get this to you.
    Drought-Weary Southwest Taking Fatal Hits as Foreign Farms Plunder What Water Remains

  38. Hi Patara, I saw on you channel that you have an Ivermectin can and is that a drink, and where can i buy it?

  39. I have been trying to locate an email for you for awhile and i came upon this site and i hope this is ok because my little lap top cannot hook on to many sites. My Husband and i watch your you tubes all the time and you are best informative person and now my Sister in the Lord.


    Dear Patara! Here is your favorite song, from the Cotton Pickin Kids. I listen to you every day, thank you so much, you're amazing.

    Ginger is so beautiful!

    -Grace Wildflower
